Monday, July 13, 2009

We Can Hardly Wait!

It's almost Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince time, and I can hardly wait. Brian and friends are going to the midnight show tomorrow night, so are Katie, Kit and Creig. Mom and I will go early Wed. morning, I think there's a 9:30 showing in Ventura we'll try to get into. I may put Brian onto ordering tickets online tonight.
No grand dog news to report, although I did get a nice call from the dark boy's new family. He's now Major, and is the love of their lives. Now if I could find homes for the remaining two girls who need places, I'd be very happy. Here's a pic I took of Freckles and Morgan a week or so ago.

1 comment:

  1. We are having HP fever at our house too! David, Loretta, Julie, Ally, Amy, Maddie, and a friend are going to the midnight showing. (Then going to work and two babysitting jobs the next a.m.!!) I am excited, but not enough to stay up THAT much past my bedtime. I'll drag Jeff to it on Wednesday afternoon...Have fun!
