I have to report on some really fun accomplishments of some of the Rincon Corgis who don't live here. First, Oliver, had a great weekend in Ventura, earning 3 double Q's toward his RAE title, he needs 7 more for that. He also had several good tries at earning Open Obedience legs, but didn't get those. This past weekend, he earned a Novice Preferred leg and a Novice Jumpers Preferred leg to complete both of those titles. That makes him Rincon Oliver Twist, CD, RE, NAP, NJP, CGC!!!
On Sunday he earned a leg in both open and open jumpers (preferred) so he's on a roll!
Now to the Cardis. Roberta called last night to say that Penny earned her CD. While this is a grand accomplishment in and of itself, it also is a very fun news item, since she is the fourth of Nikki's kids to be titled and this will give Nikki (Ch. Spectrum Mesty Puppernickel) her ROM Bronze. The Register of Merit is awarded by the Nat'l Cardi club, and I'm very proud that Nikki's kids have earned her this award. The other titled kids are Redford, (Ch. Rincon Sundance Kid), Tina Sparkle (Rincon Strictly Ballroom PT) and Chloe, (Rincon Whale of a Tail CD, RE, AX, OAJ, NAP, NJP).
Roberta owns Chloe as well, Chloe is from Nikki's first litter. Penny, Redford and Tina Sparkle are from her second litter. I'll try and get pics up of them all at some point.