Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Bit Late!

My son Brian took these pics on New Year's Day. My husband, Creig, daughter, Katie and Brian have gone to the beach at sunrise on New Year's Day for quite a few years now. They have managed to convince others to go with them most years. Brian goes as the photographer, the others go to jump in the water to ring in the New Year. (I stay home in bed and wait for them to bring the donuts back)
This year Katie's boyfriend Kit joined them (his second year?) and Katie and Brian's friends, Cara and Jill were also in attendance. Brian always gets a good sunrise shot, but this year he also got the Blue Moon as it was setting. The water is usually warmer than the air, but they all say the worst part is walking on the cold sand!
They make cocoa when they get back here to drink with their donuts. A Dolge family tradition!

1 comment:

  1. Jeff and I are so jealous. We wish WE still lived at the beach...(I can't complain too much after my vacation last week...) (See blog if you haven't already...)Happy New Year!
